Start Date: October 28th.
Ages 5-8
Weekly one hour sessions @ MoT Hubs
MiMo Hub:
Wednesday/ Thursday
3:45 - 4:45pm/ 2:45 - 3:45pm
KB Hub:
Monday, / Wednesday
3:15 - 4:05 pm / 2:05 - 3:15pm
SoMi: Thursday3:30 - 4:30pm
Single Session: $50.00
Monthly Membership $175.00
Package x 5 Sessions : $225.00
How Things Work
Children dive into topics ranging from DC Motors and Optical Illusions to Autonomous Cars and VR/3D experiences. Through hands-on activities and immersive learning, students will explore concepts like flight, magnets, video editing, 3D modeling, and color sensors, cultivating critical thinking and problem-solving skills along the way.
Sample Activities
DC Motors
Children will learn about DC motors by creating their own motors and then using DC motors to create spin art.
Optical Illusions
Children will learn about optical illusions use digital media to make their own.
Find After-School Enrichment near you!
MiMo Hub
SoMi Hub
KB Hub